6 Common Risk Factors for Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic cancer is diagnosed when a malignant tumor develops in the pancreas, which secretes enzymes that aid digestion and help maintain insulin levels in the body. The main cause of pancreatic cancer is unknown, but several factors contribute to the risk of developing this type of cancer. Some of these risk factors can be eliminated through lifestyle changes, whereas others are out of our control.
The following are some common risk factors for pancreatic cancer:
1. Obesity
Being overweight or obese is a serious risk factor for pancreatic cancer. Some studies say that people who have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of over 30 are more likely to develop pancreatic cancer. A lack of physical activity and leading a sedentary lifestyle may also lead to weight gain and cause several other health complications.
2. Family history
A person who has a family history of any type of cancer is at a higher risk of developing pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer has also been observed to run in families at times, and other inherited genetic disorders can also increase one’s chances of developing this form of cancer.
3. Diet
Diet plays a key role in determining one’s digestive and overall health. People who regularly consume fatty and processed foods regularly face a greater risk of developing this type of cancer. These foods also increase the possibility of weight gain and can lead to obesity and diabetes. Additionally, excessive alcohol consumption impacts the pancreas and may lead to inflammation in the pancreas, which elevates the risk of pancreatic cancer. Adding plenty of colorful fruits and veggies to the regular diet can help reduce this risk.
4. Smoking
Cigarette smoking is one of the major risk factors for all types of cancer, and a large majority of people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer are observed to have the habit. Quitting may significantly lower one’s chances of developing cancer and also help improve their overall health and quality of life.
5. Other conditions
Several health conditions could lead to pancreatic cancer. Genetic syndromes like familial pancreatitis, Lynch syndrome, and Peutz-Jeghers syndrome increase an individual’s susceptibility to pancreatic and several other types of cancers. Pancreatic cancer can also result from chronic pancreatitis, which is the inflammation of the pancreas resulting from heavy alcohol consumption or smoking. It can also occur due to an inherited gene mutation.
6. Exposure to certain chemicals
People working in chemical industries are often exposed to harmful chemicals like benzene, petrochemicals, certain dyes, and pesticides, which can increase their risk of developing this form of cancer. Usually, people in the dry cleaning or metal working industries and those working in factories are more likely to be exposed to them.
Apart from these, increasing age and being a male are some of the risk factors of pancreatic cancer that cannot be controlled.