Diabetes Control – 8 Foods That Help
Diabetes is a condition that causes instability in blood sugar levels. Patients diagnosed with diabetes are typically suggested to control it through medication and diet. The key here is to balance meals and opt for healthy options when eating food. The American Diabetes Association suggests individuals include fruits, vegetables, and lean protein in their meals. Here are some additional foods that help control diabetes.
1. Whole Grains
There is a higher level of fiber present in whole grains compared to refined white grains. The fiber content aids in slowing down digestion, which, in turn, keeps blood sugar levels in control. Brown rice, buckwheat, quinoa, millet, rye, etc., have a lower glycemic index (GI) that helps in stabilizing diabetes.
2. Fatty Fish
Fish like salmon, sardines, herring, anchovies, and mackerel contain omega-3 fatty acids that decreases the risk of heart conditions. These protein sources make one feel fuller even after a small meal and help in controlling diabetes.
3. Nuts
Including nuts in meals is beneficial for diabetic patients as it contains antioxidant vitamins, flavonoids, magnesium, and potassium. They also have a low GI and carb score. According to a 2019 study involving 16,000 patients with type 2 diabetes, those who consumed tree nuts and walnut oil had a lower risk of heart diseases.
4. Eggs
Eggs reduce the risk of diabetes, help in improving insulin sensitivity, and are are highly nutritious. They are a good source of regulating cholesterol levels and keeping heart diseases at bay. Additionally, they contain antioxidants and vitemains like lutein and zeaxanthin.
5. Yogurt
Yogurt is rich in probiotics that shield against heart ailments and control diabetes. Typically, individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are likely to suffer from obesesity as well. Yogurt is beneficial for those watching their weight as it contains conjugated linolic acid (CLA) that reduces appetite and makes one feel fuller.
6. Chia Seeds
This low-carb food that is extremely fibrous and can lower diabetes by slowing down the pace at which sugar in food is absorbed by the gut. Chia seeds also inculcate the feeling of fullness and helps main a healthy GI. This superfood is beneficial in reducing weight and bringing down blood pressure.
7. Garlic
Raw garlic contains manganese, vitamins B6 and C, selenium, and fiber. This food is nutritious and improves glucose levels by regulating cholesterol. Popularly used in traditional medication for diabetes, garlic helps bring down blood sugar levels by enhancing insulin sensitivity.
8. Broccoli and Its Sprouts
When chopped or chewed, the secreted chemical sulforaphane in broccoli helps in lowering blood sugar levels. And the sprouts of broccoli contain glucosinolates that improve insulin sensitivity. When glucosinolates are ingested in powder or supplement form, sugar levels are controlled too.